Let’s build our trail!

JOIN US in transforming one of the country’s great undiscovered greenways — over 6 miles of mixed use trail that goes from Victory Parkway near Xavier University through twelve local neighborhoods. The Wasson Way is now open from Ault Park to Montgomery Road on the edge of Xavier’s campus and from Woodburn Avenue to Blair Court.
Please help us by donating to the Wasson Way.

Wasson Way is a key east-west corridor in CROWN, the Cincinnati Riding Or Walking Network. CROWN will create a 34-mile trail loop connecting Wasson Way to the Murray Path, Little Miami Scenic Trail, Canal Bikeway, Ohio River Trail, Mill Creek Greenway Trail, and more.
Help us build a vibrant active community in Cincinnati!
News & Updates
- Spring Clean Up – Mark Your Calendars
Spring is coming, even though it might not feel like it now in February.
The Wasson Way Gardeners are planning our Spring clean up and planting events for the trail and we could use your help.
Here are a few dates to mark on your calendar if you are interested in getting involved in keeping Wasson Way looking great.
- March 22 Sat 10 am – 12 pm
- March 25 Tues 10 am – 12 pm
- March 28 Fri 1 – 3 pm
- March 29 Sat 10 am -12 pm
- April 5 Sat 10 am -12 pm Big Community Planting Day putting replacement plants in the ground.
More events will be posted here for May through summer.
So stay tuned, get your gardening gloves ready and dig in.
Check the website or your email for details on meeting locations for each event and also to check for cancellations due to rain or cold.
No prior gardening experience is needed to participate in these events.
The Wasson Way Master Gardeners will be supervising the activities with instructions about what to do and how to do it if you have questions.
We also have gardening tools and gloves available for the jobs so it you don’ have your own, don’t let that discourage you.
Hope to see you at these events in March!
- New Shared Use Path Proposed Between Wasson Way & Armleder Park
Big News!
The City of Cincinnati, in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), is developing plans to make it easier and safer for bicyclists and pedestrians to travel between the Wasson Way Trail in Ault Park and trails in the Otto Armleder Memorial Park & Recreation Complex.
Learn about route alternatives under consideration and share your thoughts by visiting one of our open houses. Public input is important and will be used to confirm which route alternatives will be selected for further development. Public participation is encouraged without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability. Please see the attached flyer.
Learn more at the upcoming open houses!
1. Virtual Open House
The virtual open house is accessible at www.PublicInput.com/WassonArmleder
November 20, 2024 – January 4, 2025
Comments are due by Jan. 4, 2025, and can be shared at the open houses or by mail, phone, or email.2. In-Person Open House
December 5, 2024, | 5 – 7 pm Karrikin | 3717 Jonlen Drive (Fairfax)
You can read about the in-person open house at www.PublicInput.com/WassonArmleder
- Landscape & Garden Volunteers Needed!
Thursday 9/19/24 – Nancy Strassel and Master Gardeners
o Activity: weed/start clean up/ assessment of any needed planting or seeding
o Time: 8:00-10:00 am
o Meeting Location: Meet at corner of Michigan and Wasson Way
o Leaders: Nancy Strassel and Master Gardeners
o Volunteers: All are welcome
Thursday 10/24/24 – Nancy Strassel and Master Gardeners
o Activity: Garden clean up; plant any new plants
o Time: 9:00-11:00 am
o Meeting Location: Meet at Paxton and Wasson Way
o Leaders: Nancy Strassel and Master Gardeners
o Volunteers: All are welcome
Saturday 10/26/24 – Nancy Strassel and Master Gardeners
o Activity: Garden clean up; plant any new plants
o Time: 9:00-11:00 am
o Meeting Location: Meet at Madison near LaRosa’s Pizza
o Leaders: Nancy Strassel and Master Gardeners
o Volunteers: All are welcome
- Landscape & Garden Volunteers Needed!
Greetings Wasson Way Users and Neighbors.
If you are into gardening or tree, come and join the Wasson Way Master Gardeners for these gardening events this week:
8/15 Thurs 8-10 am – Location: meet at the corner of Michigan and Wasson Road (by the pet food store)
8/17 Sat 8-10 am – Location; meet on Wasson Way at Paxton Ave. (near the Cryotherapy clinic)No prior experience or gardening expertise is required.
Cincinnati Master Gardeners and Landscape Committee members will be supervising and providing instructions for all event.
Just show up at the designated meeting place and time.
Bring work gloves, a hat and some water.
We have the tools and tasks.
Hope to see you there.Email WassonWay@fioptics.com to get on our volunteer email list.
- Landscaping Volunteers Needed!
Greetings Wasson Way Users and Neighbors. Are you enjoying the trail this summer. Would you like to get involved in making it even better?
The Flowers and trees are all cared for by volunteers from the Wasson Way organization. We are always ready to welcome new volunteers to participate in a range of activities. For more information email: wassonway@gmail.com
If you are into gardening or tree, the Wasson Way Landscape team has planned several events aimed at keeping the trail looking great.
Here are a few of the dates for upcoming events:
7/18 Thurs 8-10 am – meet on Wasson Way at Paxton and Wasson Rds.
7/20 Sat 8-10 am – meet at Marburg Rd. end of the trails at the Eastern Hills Rd. trailheadAUGUST
8/15 Thurs 8-10 am – location TBD
8/17 Sat 8-10 am – location TBDPlease join us for any and all of these volunteer events. No prior experience or gardening expertise is required. Cincinnati Master Gardeners and Landscape Committee members will be supervising and providing instructions for all event.
Just show up at the designated meeting place and time. Bring work gloves, a hat and some water. We have the tools and tasks. Hope to see you there.Email WassonWay@fioptics.com to get on our volunteer email list.