
As a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization that began as a grassroots initiative, Wasson Way heavily depends on local donations and volunteers. Our organization is responsible for keeping the trail in fantastic shape. 

Please consider making a tax deductible donation now! Click “Donate” below to make a contribution by PayPal. You will receive email confirmation and receipt for your taxes.

To donate via check, please mail your check to:
Wasson Way
3874 Paxton Avenue Box 9211
Cincinnati, OH 45209

If you are interested in donating a tree or bench please email

Support Wasson Way by wearing an official Wasson Way t-shirt.  CLICK HERE to order from our partner, the local company Flying Pork Apparel.

You can also support us by adding Wasson Way to your AmazonSmile or Kroger Community Rewards account. If you are an employee of GE, your donation may be eligible for a match. Please visit

Wasson Way is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Tax ID# 45-3772587 

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