Hyde Park Blast
Wasson Way volunteers answered questions and met with local residents at this year’s Hyde Park Blast on June 29. The Blast — a fundraising event with several run/walk and cycling events — was the perfect opportunity to reach out to residents living around the proposed trail. Many people stopped by the tent, excited to see poster-size images of the trail and sign up for the email list. “When will the trail be built?” was by far the most common question received from residents. We also raised money selling t-shirts and handed out a number of free yard signs (now available at Bob Ronker’s Running Spot, Coffee Emporium on Erie, and Hyde Park Floral and Garden Cafe). The Wasson Way is fortunate to have the support of Laure Quinlivan and John Cranley, both of whom came by to reaffirm their enthusiasm.
Manning the tent gave each of the volunteers an opportunity to meet a variety of neighbors, including those living just down the street. This reaffirmed our belief that one of the most important benefits of the Wasson Way will be an increased connection with our neighbors and a more vibrant community.