Landscaping Volunteers Needed!

Greetings Wasson Way Users and Neighbors.  This Spring the Wasson Way Landscape team has planned several events aimed at keeping the trail looking great.  Please join us for any and all of these volunteer events.  Cincinnati Master Gardeners and Landscape Committee members will be supervising and providing instructions for all event.  We’ll be planting flowers and replacing a few of the scrubs and grasses that didn’t survive the Winter.  No prior experience or gardening expertise is required.  

Upcoming Master Gardener Maintenance events – 9-11 am

  • Thursday 5/9/24 – meet @ Marburg/Eastern Hills trail head for weeding and flower planting
  • Saturday 5/11/24- meet at LaRosa’s @ Madison Rd. for weeding and flower planting

If you are interested joining us and want more information, email and we’ll get back to you right away with updates on location and what to bring.

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