Landscaping Volunteers Needed!

Greetings Wasson Way Users and Neighbors.  This Spring the Wasson Way Landscape team has planned several events aimed at keeping the trail looking great.  Please join us for any and all of these volunteer events.  Cincinnati Master Gardeners and Landscape Committee members will be supervising and providing instructions for all event.  We’ll be planting flowers and replacing a few of the scrubs and grasses that didn’t survive the Winter.  No prior experience or gardening expertise is required.  

Upcoming Master Gardener Maintenance events – 9-11 am

  • Thursday 5/9/24 – meet @ Marburg/Eastern Hills trail head for weeding and flower planting
  • Saturday 5/11/24- meet at LaRosa’s @ Madison Rd. for weeding and flower planting

If you are interested joining us and want more information, email and we’ll get back to you right away with updates on location and what to bring.

Earth Day on Wasson Way with Clark Montessori High School

Wasson Way thanks Clark Montessori High School for cleaning up the trail on Earth Day.

15 Volunteers from Clark, including Students and Teachers joined 3 Wasson Way leaders to clean up a winter’s worth of trash and debris along the trail from Marburg Ave. all the Way to Madison Rd.

It was a Happy Earth Day on Wasson Way.

Ribbon Cutting December 13

Join us Wednesday December 13 at 9 am for the ribbon cutting of Wasson Way Phase 6A! We will meet at the dead end of Blair Court on the west side of the trail. We hope to see you there!

Landscape volunteers needed!

Hello Wasson Way Admirers: In case you have been wondering who makes the flowers grow on Wasson Way – it’s Us! Here is your chance to get involved.  Come join us for our final two Fall Gardening events. All are welcome!  

Saturday 11/11 – 9:30-11:30 

  • Activity: cutting back annual flowers in beds between Eastern Hills Ave and Paxton Ave to get the Wasson Way ready for winter
  • Time: 9:30 – 11:30 
  •  Meeting Location: Marburg/Eastern Hills Ave. Trail head 
  • What to bring: hand held plant shears or cutters, work gloves, sunshine and good cheer

Monday 11/13 – 9:30-11:30 

  •  Activity: cutting back annual flowers in beds between Paxton Ave and Madison Rd. and putting the Wasson Way to bed for the winter
  • Time: 9:30 – 11:30 
  • Meeting Location: Paxton Ave and Wasson Way 
  • What to bring: hand held plant shears or cutters, work gloves, sunshine and good cheer

If you’d like to let us know you are planning to join us you can email us at Or you can just show up.  Ask for Nancy or Scott.

Thank you! The Wasson Way Landscape Committee

Thanks to Master Gardeners

We at the Wasson Way non-profit organization would like to thank the Hamilton County Master Gardener Volunteers for donating their time and expertise to  the Wasson Way this past year to make dramatic improvements to the landscape on the trail through Oakley and Hyde Park in 2023. The Wasson Way lies on top of an old railroad bed so planting anything there presents challenges. Over the past few years we have done a lot of soil remediation and planted species that are carefully selected for the climate and conditions we have along the trail. Nancy Strassel and Christy Holland have donate countless hours and funds to organize, purchase and plant all of the gardens you see along the Wasson Way.  Nancy Strassel, Christy Holland, Jane MacKnight, Rene Dierker, Alice Palmer and DeDe Greenberg have carefully selected perennials and flowers for the Wasson Way that thrive and bring beauty the landscape. With tools and occasional heavy machinery borrowed from the Cincinnati Toolbank and a lot of volunteer labor from MadTree Brewing, Thomas More College, Xavier University and other community groups and individuals, Nancy, Christy and the other Master Gardeners are transforming the Wasson Way Landscape into the urban greenway we envision.    

We are grateful for their efforts and wanted to let you know what an impact the Master Gardeners have have on our landscape and community.  With nearly 2000 people per day coursing the Wasson Way, these activities have a high level of visibility and the work the Master Gardeners have done bring joy to all who see it.

We sincerely thank the Master Gardeners for their contributions in 2023.  If you would like to get involved in gardening activities along the Wasson Way please get in touch with us through the website or at the Wasson Way Landscape Committee

Landscaping Volunteers Needed!

Greetings Wasson Way Users and Neighbors.  This fall the Wasson Way Landscape team has planned several events aimed at keeping the trail looking great.  Please join us for any and all of these volunteer events.  Cincinnati Master Gardeners and Landscape Committee members will be supervising and providing instructions for all event.  No prior experience or gardening expertise is required.  If you are interested and want more information, email and we’ll get back to you right away.

Upcoming Master Gardener Maintenance events – 8:30-10 am

  • Mon 9/11 – meet @ Marburg for general weeding
  • Tues 9/19- meet at LaRosa’s @ Madison Rd. to remove bed and weeds
    This event with Xavier University Alternative Breaks team.  Expect a mixture of about 10 students and faculty/staff, but with more students in the mix. 
  • Thurs 9/28  – meet @ Paxton for general weeding

Upcoming special Landscape Improvement events

  • Tues 10/10 – 9:30-Noon – Daffodil Bulb Planting at Thomas More and Clark Montessori
  • Weds 10/11 – 9:30-Noon – Clark Montessori clean up day
    • Weeding tree rings and pick up trash from Paxton to Montgomery Rd.
    • Possible tour in the morning with history and purpose of the trail and gardens
  • Sat 10/ 28 – Tree Maintenance – time to be determined
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