Volunteers needed December 3 and 10

The natural surface access ramp from Aylesboro to Wasson Way will be installed December 3rd and December 10th and we need volunteers! Volunteer work will include moving dirt, clearing brush, removing the invasive honeysuckle and vines, and spreading gravel. Please bring gloves and any tools you have that would be useful in these tasks.

If you are able and willing to help, please let me know and sign up via this link: https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/521493/

Wasson Way Landscape Improvements

Thanks to Xavier University for volunteers and tree donations, and MadTree volunteers for another successful tree-planting event on Wasson Way on November 19. The Cincinnati Zoo also donated a beautiful Southern Magnolia Tree.  

The Wasson Way members and volunteers planted 9 trees along the stretch of trail between Montgomery Rd. and Regents Ave in Norwood. It was chilly all morning, but with 25 sets of hands, we put 9 trees in the ground in less than 1 hour.  Now they can sleep for the winter and hopefully bloom in the Spring and eventually provide some shade for Wasson Way users in a few year.

To donate a tree, contact WassonWay@Fioptics.com.  Your tree can be marked with a plaque inscribed with your dedication for 10 years. Each tree costs $1000 and all proceeds go to the Wasson Way for landscape improvements.  We are collecting donations now for our next tree planting event in the spring of 2023.  We’ll be installing a Tiny Forest with a high density of trees for carbon sequestration as the first step in building a Sustainability Network on Wasson Way which is part of the CROWN.  A tree dedicated to a loved one would make a great Christmas gift for the person who has everything!

Urgent Request For Support For Trail Access Point

Wasson Way needs $3,398 in new donations between now and December 24, 2022 to meet our fund raising goal of $6,500 for a new trail access point at Aylseboro Ave.

In collaboration with Cincinnati Off-Road Alliance (CORA), Wasson Way is installing a new trail access point to the Saybrook neighborhood. We are almost halfway to our goal, but we need your help to reach the target before the end of the year. This will enable Wasson Way to complete this project on time, before winter weather sets in.

Please consider making a tax deductible donation now! Follow this link to make your donation and you will receive email confirmation and receipt in time for your 2022 taxes.

Thanks to our great landscaping volunteers!

The Wasson Way Landscape Committee has been active this Fall with several volunteer groups doing a lot of gardening work along the trail.

Students from Thomas Moore University volunteered on the Wasson Way on October 11 for Saint Serve Day.  A group of 20+ students and staff worked to replace perennials and shrubs along the trial that didn’t survive the summer.  They also cleaned up all the trash along the trail from Marburg Ave to Madison Rd.

On October 22, a group of students from Xavier University spent the day cutting back annual flowers planted by the Cincinnati Master Gardeners this summer, to tidy up the flower beds for the Winter.

And don’t forget the group from MadTree Brewing who spent the day on October 8, planting new plants along the trail that will flower next Spring.  

All this work is supported by the Wasson Way non-profit organization with help from Young Entrepreneur Landscaping, Nate Record, Barrett Weckel and Derek.

Thanks to the whole Crew.

Thanks to our volunteers

The Wasson Way continues to thrive because of strong support from some incredible volunteers. Thanks to these volunteers and generous private donations we will have some beautiful flowers, shrubs, and trees along the trail for years to come.

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