With the help of many donors and volunteers the Wasson Way nonprofit organization finalized a private effort to landscape the trail in the Oakley and Hyde Park areas. The 70 trees and 1200 flower bulbs are going to be beautiful next spring. We can’t wait !!! Thanks to everyone who participated.
Phase 4 Ribbon Cutting – Wednesday, September 15
Please join us on Wednesday, September 15 at 4:30 pm on the Wasson Way near Marburg Avenue. We will celebrate the opening of the Marburg to Ault Park section of the Wasson Way trail! Coffee Emporium is providing free beverages and Busken a special treat.
Thanks to all who came out to MadTree Brewery for a great meeting about landscaping the Wasson Way! Check out the presentation slides here.
Next phase of Wasson Way
Planning for the next phase of the Wason Way is underway!!! And it could be the best piece yet! The trail will cross Montgomery Road, go through the Xavier Campus, cross Dana near Listermanns Brewery, go through a 20 acre park like area, connect to Blair Park in Avondale and end near MLK and Reading Road. If you include the existing pathways through Xavier and extend the trail to Upper Millcrest Park in Norwood it adds 2.5 miles to the Wasson Way as part of the CROWN, the Cincinnati Riding Or Walking Network.
Phase 3 Opens!
Saturday November 28th marked another milestone! Phase 3 traveling from Madison Road to Marburg Avenue officially opened.
“It is exciting that we now have, thanks to the Crown Vision, a commitment over the next three years, not only to go to Ault Park which we’ll do next year, but in 2-years we’re going to go all the way to UC and we’re going to land in Avondale and we have leaders from Avondale here today,” Mayor John Cranley
Artworks Mural Reception
Join us for a reception to celebrate the new Artworks Mural. Saturday, September 26, 2020 at 4 PM – 7 PM On the Wasson Way Trail near Regent Avenue, behind the Duke Energy Operation Center.
Wasson Way Joins CROWN
Wasson Way has joined forces with Ohio River Way, Tri-State Trails, and Green Umbrella to launch the CROWN Cincinnati Capital Campaign earlier this year.
CROWN, the Cincinnati Riding Or Walking Network, will form a 34-mile urban trail loop connecting Wasson Way to the Murray Path, Little Miami Scenic Trail, Canal Bikeway, Ohio River Trail, Mill Creek Greenway Trail, and more.
Through this partnership, the City of Cincinnati has already secured $6 M in federal funding from OKI Regional Council of Governments to extend Wasson Way west to Blair Court in Avondale and east to the Murray Path in Fairfax. We have a pending grant application for another $3.8 M to extend west from Avondale to Uptown.
Learn more and make a donation to leverage these state and federal grant funds at
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