Wasson Way Landscape Improvements
Thanks to Xavier University for volunteers and tree donations, and MadTree volunteers for another successful tree-planting event on Wasson Way on November 19. The Cincinnati Zoo also donated a beautiful Southern Magnolia Tree.

The Wasson Way members and volunteers planted 9 trees along the stretch of trail between Montgomery Rd. and Regents Ave in Norwood. It was chilly all morning, but with 25 sets of hands, we put 9 trees in the ground in less than 1 hour. Now they can sleep for the winter and hopefully bloom in the Spring and eventually provide some shade for Wasson Way users in a few year.
To donate a tree, contact WassonWay@Fioptics.com. Your tree can be marked with a plaque inscribed with your dedication for 10 years. Each tree costs $1000 and all proceeds go to the Wasson Way for landscape improvements. We are collecting donations now for our next tree planting event in the spring of 2023. We’ll be installing a Tiny Forest with a high density of trees for carbon sequestration as the first step in building a Sustainability Network on Wasson Way which is part of the CROWN. A tree dedicated to a loved one would make a great Christmas gift for the person who has everything!